Washing the feet of an enemy - Holy Thursday

Holy Thursday, year B

On Holy Thursday our reality about who God is and how we are to act got upended. Jesus, the great "I Am", the almighty, came and washed feet in an act of humble service. Christ went further and even washed the feet of Judas, the one who would betray Him. As followers of Christ, we are called to serve all, even those who we find difficult. The Eucharist, the gift of Christ Himself, gives us the strength to follow this radical call.

File:Dirck van Baburen - Christ Washing the Apostles Feet - WGA1090.jpg -  Wikimedia Commons

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Why wave palms on Palm Sunday?

Palm Sunday, year B

As we hold palms this Palm Sunday, we are connected to those who waved palms when Christ entered Jerusalem. Why did these people wave palms in the first place? Who did they think Jesus was? As we wave our palms this Sunday, let it be an opportunity to reflect of the kind of Saviour we think Jesus and the consequences this has for our life of discipleship.

Palm Sunday - Wikipedia

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A software update for the heart

5 Sunday Lent, year B

Every so often, our phones need a software update to repair some critical issue in the program. Perhaps this can be an image of what Jesus does for us. After we were created in God's image, something within us became broke. A virus entered our system. Jeremiah 31 looked forward to a time when God would heal our heart in a definitive way. God promised to make a new covenant, writing the law on our hearts. Christ brings about this new covenant. By His death and resurrection, He saves us and makes us new, ensuring we will never again need any kind of update to our hearts. Lent is a time for us to participate more and more in this transformation Christ is working, providing the ultimate "software update" for the human heart.

This painting of Jesus knocking at a door is the most traveled work of art  in history

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