Location, location, location!

21 Sunday Ordinary Time, A 

"Who do people believe the son of Man is?" Peter answered, "you are the Christ, the Son of the living God". In order to better appreciate the incredible interaction between Jesus and Peter in the Gospel (Matthew 16:13-20), it can be helpful to consider the importance of three locations: Caesarea Philippi, Calvary and the Vatican hill in Rome. 

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God's love is not contained

We can be quite good at creating barriers that separate people. The readings today show us that God seeks to remove these wall, giving His grace to all.

20 Sunday of Ordinary Time, year A

Matthew 15:21-28

Listen here:

Why the Transfiguration gives hope

Transfiguration, year A

The readings for the feast of the Transfiguration fill us with the hope that, in the end, God will conquer all that oppresses us: evil, sin, and death. This gives us confidence as we follow Jesus each day.

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