Jesus the Good Shepherd and the Gate (4 Sunday Easter)

 4th Sunday of Easter - Good Shepherd Sunday - John 10:1-10

This Sunday, Good Shepherd Sunday, we celebrate the sacrificial love that Christ has for us. The image of Christ as the gate (Jn 10:1-10) shows us that we are called to participate in this gift of salvation. On this Day of Prayer for Vocations, we remember that we do this by responding generously to our own vocation.

File:Good shepherd 01.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

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How to recognize the Risen Christ (3 Sunday Easter)

On the Road to Emmaus (Lk 24), two disciples had their sorrow transformed into joy when they finally recognized the Risen Jesus who was in their midst the whole time. This story not only tells us about a past encounter. It also teaches us who live long after the Ascension how we can recognize the Risen Christ who is present to us in the scripture, the Eucharist, community, and charity.

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Doubt and Mercy (2 Sunday Easter - Divine Mercy)

We can learn a lot from the example of "doubting Thomas" we read about in the Gospel (Jn 20:19-31). Like him, we should be open with God about what we need so that Divine Mercy can transform our lives.

Listen to homily here:

People of the dawn not dusk (Easter Day)

Easter fills us with hope. Just as the rising sun at dawn bring the promise of a new day, so the Resurrection ensures that the Light of Christ will conquer all the darkness of sin and death. When we renew our baptismal creed at Easter, we recommit ourselves to being people of the dawn, bringing the light of Christ to those around us.

Listen to homily here:

Now we know the end of our story (Easter Vigil)

During the Easter Vigil, we have the opportunity to hear the highlights of the story of God's interaction with humanity. In the Gospel, we hear the end of the story, the triumph of love and life over sin and death. At our baptism, we enter into this story. Knowing that our story ends in life transforms us here and now. As the candles that we light as the Vigil from the Pasqual Candle light up the Church, so we spread the light of and love of Christ around us.

Listen to homily here:

Why is this Friday Good?

Good Friday, 2023

Good Friday reveals to us that we received mercy from a God who loves us rather than strict justice. This mercy cannot end on the Cross. We receive this mercy as a gift we share with others.

Listen to homily here:


Remembering the past to change the present (Holy Thursday)

Holy Thursday, 2023

The theme of remembering runs through the readings for Holy Thursday. The Passover is a remembrance of the Exodus. The Lord's Supper or Eucharist is in remembrance of the Last Supper. The remembrance that the Jesus speaks about at the Last Supper is meant to transform us to become servant like Him, treating all with dignity and love.

Listen to homily here:

Why did the crowd reject Christ? (Palm Sunday, yearA)

The two Gospel we hear on Palm or Passion Sunday show diverse reactions to Jesus. While there are some who stand by Jesus through His Passion, many abandon Him. Why? The answer can be found in the palms they waved. Jesus was an unexpected Messiah.

Listen to homily here: