God's word has power (15 Sunday Ordinary Time)

Each of us hears many voices in our life (friends, co-workers, social media) which speak various words to us. Some voices bring us peace and lead us closer to God and neighbour and others do not. God's word always brings life. Can we hear His voice?

15 Sunday of OT (Mt 13:1-9)

Listen here:

Making work less of a burden (14 Sunday OT)

Work can be a burden for many of us. When we find a deeper purpose in our work, it can become an easier burden and a lighter yoke.

Listen hear: 

Hospitality to the stranger, welcoming Christ

13 Sunday Ordinary Time, Year A

2 Kings 4:8-11, 14-16; Rom 6:3-4; 8-11; Mt 10:37-42

The readings this Sunday teach us about the importance of hospitality. When we welcome the stranger we show love to Christ.

Listen to homily here: