Why is this Friday Good?

Good Friday, 2023

Good Friday reveals to us that we received mercy from a God who loves us rather than strict justice. This mercy cannot end on the Cross. We receive this mercy as a gift we share with others.

Listen to homily here:


Remembering the past to change the present (Holy Thursday)

Holy Thursday, 2023

The theme of remembering runs through the readings for Holy Thursday. The Passover is a remembrance of the Exodus. The Lord's Supper or Eucharist is in remembrance of the Last Supper. The remembrance that the Jesus speaks about at the Last Supper is meant to transform us to become servant like Him, treating all with dignity and love.

Listen to homily here:

Why did the crowd reject Christ? (Palm Sunday, yearA)

The two Gospel we hear on Palm or Passion Sunday show diverse reactions to Jesus. While there are some who stand by Jesus through His Passion, many abandon Him. Why? The answer can be found in the palms they waved. Jesus was an unexpected Messiah.

Listen to homily here: