
 2 Sunday Lent, year A (Matthew 17:1-9)

Just before His journey to Calvary, the Transfiguration of Jesus gave hope to his followers by giving them a preview to the end of Christ's story: the Resurrection (Mt 17:1-9). In our lives, God gives us mini-transfiguration moments which give us hope in the midst of our challenges

Listen to homily here:

Sirens, Orpheus, Temptations, and Christ

1 Sunday Lent, Matthew 4:1-11

Similar to how the song of Orpheus conquered the Siren's song, so Christ points us towards our true good and away from temptations which can never fulfil us.

Listen to homily here:


7 Sunday of Ordinary Time

When we think of someone who we may consider an enemy, Jesus teaching to love that person can seem impossible (Mt 5:38-48). Part of the problem can be that we misunderstand what Jesus means by "love". Ultimately Jesus teaches us that non-violent resistance and forgiveness is the path that brings lasting peace.

Listen to homily here: