Divine Mercy Sunday

We often judge the Apostle Thomas harshly because he expresses doubt (John 20:19-31). Although his faith is not what it should be, we can learn from his example. Thomas is honest about his struggle and because of this Jesus can help him in his particular need. Likewise in our life, when we are honest with God about our needs He can more readily give us His mercy, healing and assistance.

Doubt and the resurrection

Like Jesus' first followers, we can have difficulty believing that He has truly risen from the dead. We can take hope, however, knowing that after the resurrection Jesus embarks on a mission of convincing His disciples, us included, that He is indeed risen (cf. Luke 24).

Accompaniment and social distancing

Pope Francis has repeatedly encouraged us to practice the art of accompaniment, something Jesus does with the disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). During the pandemic, accompaniment is more important than ever and requires creativity during this time of social distancing.