Who is a "fisher of people"? What do they do? How?

5th Sunday Ordinary Time, year C | Lk 5:1-11

Since I grew up loving to fish, the Gospel today, in which Jesus invites the fishers Peter, James and John to leave their literal nets behind, follow him and become “fishers of people”, has always appealed to me. The phrase “fishers of people” has always puzzled me. Wha, did Jesus mean by it? What project was he actually inviting Peter, James and John to be a part of? The readings today help us to answer the following questions. Who is a “fisher of people”? What do they do? How do they do it?

First, who is a “fisher of people”? Often we understand that a fisher of people is someone who is sent out beyond the confines of the Church in order to get people to believe what we believe. In other words, a fisher of people is someone who catches converts. Although this is part of the picture, when we understand the connotation that “fishers of people” had in the Old Testament, we can develop a richer view of what Jesus meant by the phrase. In the book of Jeremiah (16:16-18) the imagery of “fishers of people” is used in the context of God’s judgement against his own people, Israel. “Fishers of people” were sent out to haul people in so that God could judge them. Fishers of people are agents of judgement. They call people to make a choice. Will they choose to follow God’s path or not? Will they follow God’s commandment or not. So, who is a fisher of people? This is someone who, by their words and very way of life, reminds people that because judgement is coming soon, all must make a simple yet urgent choice: will they follow God’s way or not?

Second, what do fishers of people specifically do? What is the message they tell people? Paul give a clear answer to this question in the second reading. Fishers of people are to invite people to respond to the simple message that Jesus died for our sins and rose again. This is the great action that God has worked in the world and to which we are all called to respond. If we believe that Jesus died and rose again, then are lives are supposed to change. We are liberated from the slavery of sin and selfishness to live a life of service and love to those around us. Believing in the resurrection of Jesus is, of course, not an easy thing to do. How can we believe that a man rose from the dead? Certainly there is no video footage of the resurrection to look at and prove this event! When I have doubts in the resurrection I find it helpful to remind myself that the resurrection seems to be the best possible way to explain two pieces of historical data. The first is that after the death of Jesus, his followers were scattered and terrified. We read this embarrassing piece of information in all the Gospels. We find that Peter, the leader of the disciples, was so afraid that He denied Jesus. The second piece of historical data is that days later these once terrified disciples are boldly preaching that they have seen Jesus risen from the dead. The disciples are so certain of this message that they stand by it in the face of persecution and even death. We need to ask ourselves: what can account for this dramatic change in the disciple? What happened that changed the disciples people fearful for their own lives, locked up in a dark room to avoid the authorities into fearless individuals, preaching a message for which they were willing to die for? To my mind, the best explanation for this dramatic shift is the one the disciples themselves gave: Jesus, who was dead has risen. This is the message that we are called to believe. Believing this message should change our lives. This is what fishers of people are called to proclaim.

Third, how are fishers of people supposed to carry out their mission? That Jesus called those who made a living as fishermen to be “fishers of people” is significant because it suggests that there is a certain continuity between their past life and the mission that they are called to. Specifically, it would seem that Jesus expected Peter, James and John to apply all the skills and talents they employed in their previous profession to the new mission they were taking up. At times, a certain narrative can be offered that emphasises that those called by Jesus were “simply” fishermen. In other words, they had no special skills. The message this conveys is that you need no special training or abilities to be a part of Jesus’ mission. Although it is true that all are called to be a part in Jesus mission irrespective of education or skills, Peter, James and John, were not “simple” people in the sense that they were unskilled and lacking in training and accomplishments. When people visit the sea of Galilee today, they are often struck by the tranquility and simplicity of the scene. Now there are few boats and settlements along the coastline. Reading the Gospel of today, people may be tempted to picture Peter, James and John as hobbyists out for a relaxing afternoon of fishing. Archaeological findings around the sea of Galilee, including a network of docks along the seashore, however, have shown that the fishing industry in which Peter, James and John worked, was a sophisticated enterprise. Capernaum, the city in which Peter was situated, was at the boundary of two provinces, which meant that it was a prime location for trade. The men Jesus called, therefore, had a great deal of skill. Essentially, they were small-business owners. The parallel account in Mark makes it clear that they had employees working beneath them (Mk 1:20). Peter, James and John, therefore, would have known how to run a business and were accustomed to leading others and interacting with a wide range of people as they sold their products. When those called by Jesus “left everything behind” to follow him, it does not mean that they left these skills and talents behind. Quite the contrary. Jesus would have expected them to apply all their abilities in the service of their new mission as “fishers of people”.

Today, we are invited to hear anew Jesus’ call to be a “fisher of people”, inviting people to respond to what God has done in the world through the death and resurrection of Jesus. Perhaps a good starting in doing this is by asking ourselves a couple questions. Do I really believe that Jesus has died for me and risen from the dead? Does this belief make a difference in the way I live? If I do belief this message is it not something that I should be using all my talents and skills to share with those around me?

A Mission Opposed

4th Sunday Ordinary Time | Luke 4:21-30; 1 Cor 13:4-13

If you are like me, it is important for you that people approve of what you do and say. Though this tendency seems to be deeply rooted in our nature and so has always been a part of human experience, this desire for approval is particularly evident in the world of social media. When we post something on social media, we want as many people as possible to “like” our picture or message. We all seek affirmation. The idea that others would be opposed to us or even resent us because of our words or actions is a fearful prospect. The Gospel today forces us to reassess this desire. It challenges us to realize that if we are living our Christian mission well, then there will always be some who disapprove of what we say and do.

In the Gospel, we see that when the people in Jesus’ hometown of Nazareth become aware of the true nature of his mission, they violently reject him. In the Gospel from last Sunday, Jesus announced the nature of his mission while reading from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah in the synagogue. He told the people that he had come to “bring glad tiding to the poor”, “proclaim liberty to captives”, “recovery of sight to the bling”, “let the oppressed go free” and “proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord”. In today’s Gospel, the people respond to Jesus’ proclamation of his mission. At first, some respond positively. They are amazed at the “gracious words that came from his mouth”. Soon however, the crowd starts to turn against him. This happens in large part as Jesus explains that his mission would not necessarily be addressed at them, but would be aimed at those of the lowest social status. To highlight this, Jesus compares his mission to specific incidents from life of the great prophets Elijah and Elisha in which they reached out to people on the margins: Elijah’s miracle he performed for a non-Jewish widow and Elisha’s healing of the non-Jewish leper Naaman. Like these prophets, Jesus indicates that he has come in a particular way to aid those of the lowest tier in the society. When the people in Nazareth realize the true scope of Jesus’ mission, they react violently and attempt to stone him, perhaps enacting the punishment the Torah demands should be meted out to false prophets (Dt 13:1ff). Jesus is nearly killed when the true nature of his mission is made clear.

Like Jesus, when we fully live our mission to embrace those of the lowest status, some will meet our efforts with opposition. Similar to when Jesus was received positively in the synagogue, many aspects of the mission that we are called to carry out as followers of Jesus are met with general acceptance: service to the poor, working to promote peace, striving to bring about reconciliation between divided people. There are, however, other parts of our mission that people will oppose. Depending on their political leanings, groups might oppose different aspects of our mission. In Canada, for example, people on the “left” might oppose our defense of the unborn and our opposition to euthanasia while people on the “right” might take exception with our attempts to care for the environment or welcome refugees. If we do a good job of carrying out the mission that Jesus has given us, we cannot expect to always receive approval. When we reach out to those in our society who are of the lowest status, we will be resisted.

When we encounter opposition to our mission, we are called to respond non-violently and with love. In the second reading, St. Paul explains that love should be the chief characteristic of a follower of Jesus. He beautifully explained what this love should look like. Love is patient, it is kind, it is not rude nor quick tempered and so forth. It is interesting to note that in the original Greek, these adjectives describing love are all actually verbal forms. This suggests to us that love is so much more than an emotion or a feeling. Love is shown primarily in action. We can think of several examples of individuals who, in the face of opposition to their mission, responded with the loving resistance outlined by St. Paul. For example, the Canadian pro-life activist Mary Wagner has been imprisoned on multiple occasions since 2012 for peacefully standing vigil outside abortion clinics. Or, we can consider the late bishop from Brazil, Hélder Câmara, whose cause for canonization was recently opened. When he politically advocated for the poor in his country, his work was met with great opposition. In response, Bishop Câmara famously remarked, “when I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist”. Both Bishop Câmara and Mary Wagner are good examples of people whose mission to those of the lowest social status of society were opposed and who countered this opposition peacefully and with love.
Helder Camara (source)
It is only natural that we would want people to approve of our words and our actions. The Gospel today reminds us that we should expect some opposition if we are truly carrying out the mission of Jesus. This opposition will come when we embrace those in society who are of the lowest social status. Today is a good chance to remind ourselves that there are times when we will have to prefer approval from God over approval from some sectors of our society.

What is a Christian?

3rd Sunday Ordinary Time, year A | 1 Cor 12:12-30; Lk 1:1-4; 4:14-21

At the start of this school year at UBC, I spent some time standing in front of the booth for the Catholic group during Clubs Day. This is a day for students to check out the various clubs that are active on campus in order to see if they would like to join any of them. At a certain point, one student walked over to me from the stream passing by the booths, pointed at my clerical collar and said, “what are you?” “A Catholic priest”, I answered. “What’s a Catholic?”, he asked. “A Christian”, I said. Still genuinely confused he said, “and what is a Christian?” The student’s question is a good one. What is a Christian?

In the first reading (1 Cor 12:12-30), St. Paul explains that the central aspect of our identity as Christians is that together we make up the body of Christ. Paul wrote this letter to a community that was deeply fractured. One cause of division was a sort of tribalism in which people grouped into rival factions, aligning themselves with different figures important to the community: Paul, Cephas and Apollos (1 Cor 1). There were also estrangements in the community between rich and poor, especially when they celebrated the Eucharist (1 Cor 11). Further discord arose because people with various gifts such as wisdom, healing or tongues, were vying to be seen as the most important members of the community (1 Cor 12). In order to help the Christians at Corinth overcome their disunity, Paul called them to remember their core identity. Because of their baptism (12:13), Paul explained, they are all a part of Christ’s body (12:27). No one individual is Christ’s body. Rather, as a whole they make up the body of Christ. Just as in the human body each part plays its own unique and important role, so each baptized individual contributes in an indispensable way to the community. What is a Christian? Paul would respond to the student from UBC that a Christian is someone who, together with other baptized people, make up the body of Christ. In other words, together Christians are the enduring presence of Jesus in the world. Christians continue Jesus’ mission here and now. As good as this answer sounds, I can imagine that the curious student might not yet be satisfied. I can imagine him asking, “but what is the mission of Jesus?”
James Tissot [Public domain]
Fortunately, in the Gospel today taken from Luke (1:1-4; 4:14-21), Jesus directly answers this question as he publicly declares his mission. Jesus’ actions in the Gospel resemble a politician who announces that they are running for president. If you follow US politics, you will know that in recent days a number of candidates from the Democratic party have stepped forward to announce their intention to run for president. These announcements follow a similar pattern. In some public setting the candidate declares their intention to become president and then gives a list of compelling action items that they plan to accomplish if they are elected. In launching their campaign, the candidate reveals the mission that they would work towards as president. In the Gospel, we find Jesus at the start of his public ministry announcing his mission in a public space, namely the synagogue in his hometown of Nazareth. There, on the Sabbath, he stood up to read from the scroll of the prophet Isaiah that was handed to him. It was Jesus himself who decided which part of this scroll to read from. The text Jesus chose to declare to the people (Isa 61), outlined the various aspects of the mission he was about to begin. Jesus announced that he would bring glad tiding to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives, recovery of sight to the blind, let the oppressed go free and proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord (Lk 4:18-19). Unlike many politician who fail to deliver on their campaign promises, Jesus immediately follows through. In the rest of the chapter (Lk 4), Jesus makes good on what he promised in the synagogue. He liberated people from demons, cured Simon’s mother-in-law and numerous others and called people to conversion. In the Gospel today, Jesus announces his mission. This mission of healing, overcoming evil and injustice and leading people to God is what we Christians, the body of Christ, are called to continue in the world.

The Eucharist is central to our identity and mission as Christians. The teaching of the Church makes this clear. Lumen Gentium explains that the Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life” (LG 11). This is echoed by the wonderful way in which you as a parish have chosen to articulate your identity. You are a community “with the Eucharist at the center”. Recently, I have been following coverage of the World Youth Day (WYD) happening in Panama, wishing I was there! At the WYD, there have been powerful expressions of the centrality of the Eucharist in our lives as Christians. Hundreds of thousands of young people from diverse cultures and backgrounds gathered with our Holy Father Pope Francis to celebrate the Eucharist and to adore together the Blessed Sacrament. This is a powerful expression of how we - diverse as we are - form one body of Christ. During this WYD, Pope Francis has inspired and encouraged the young people, sending them out to continue the mission of Jesus in their home countries. The Eucharist is central to our identity and mission. The Eucharist, which is truly the Body of Christ, helps transform us into the body of Christ, sent out to continue his mission in the world.

As we celebrate the Eucharist this Sunday, it might be worth considering how the Eucharist is having an impact on your life. Does attending Mass and receiving the Eucharist help you grow in unity with other people? Further, do you feel more committed to continue Jesus’ mission and to be his presence in the world?