Expanding our Family

Holy Family, year C

We can relate to a lot about the Holy Family. Like our families, they experienced both joy and challenges. On the other hand, there is a lot about the Holy Family that can be difficult to connect with: Mary was conceived without sin, Joseph is a Saint, and Jesus is the Son of God! Similarly, the feast of the Holy Family reminds us that with the coming of Christ, the dignity of family has been affirmed. At the same time, we are challenged to expand our concept of family. Being Christian makes us part of a larger family.

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Listen to homily here:

We never journey alone

Christmas, year C

Merry Christmas! In the Nativity story, we hear of many characters who are on a journey: Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, and the Magi. We too are on a journey in our own life. This journey can be difficult at times. We can be confused about our destination. We can feel alone. Christmas changes the way we journey forever. We know our destination: Jesus Christ. We are strengthened by Him. As well, we receive the gift of community, people who strengthen, nourish, and support us along our way. It is good to journey together! 

Listen to homily here:

"Does anyone know what Christmas is all about"

 4 Sunday Advent, year C

"Does anyone know what Christmas is all about"? This is a question posed by Charlie Brown in "A Charlie Brown Christmas". Today in the Gospel (Luke 1:39–45), we hear the story of the Visitation. This meeting between two pregnant women, Mary and Elizabeth, teaches us some of what Christmas is all about: hospitality, welcome, service, and sharing the joy of Jesus.

File:La Visitation (enluminure).jpg - Wikimedia Commons
Enluminure de Visitation, réalisée par un anonyme au XVe siècle, conservé au Musée Condé à Chantilly

Listen to homily here: