Finding meaning in routine

25 Sunday of Ordinary Time, year B

The Gospel today (Mk 9:30-37) teaches us that human fulfilment is not found in having power. Rather, we live a joyful life when we make of ourselves a gift to others. Doing this allows us to find meaning, even in the midst of routine and seemingly ordinary daily life.

Teaching of Jesus about little children - Wikipedia

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Peter (sort of) gets it right

24 Sunday of OT, year B | Mk 8:27–35

Our understanding of who Jesus is will impact how we think a follower of Jesus will act. In the Gospel today (Mk 8:27-35), although Peter correctly identifies that Jesus is the Messiah, Peter cannot grasp that the Messiah will be a suffering servant. Since Jesus is a Saviour who came to serve others, we are called to do the same.

Banias - Wikipedia
Caesarea Phillipi

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New beginnings (23 Sunday OT, B)

23 Sunday Ordinary Time, year B

The start of each school year is a time of hope and possibility. New beginnings are a time to choose new behaviours and attitudes. The second reading today from Saint James challenges us to behave with special care and attention for the needy (James 2:1–5). The healing in the Gospel (Mk 7:31–37), which we relive in the Ephphatha ritual in our baptism, reminds us that Jesus give us the grace to see the needy in our midst and respond to them in a positive way.

John 10:10: Reflection: Ephphatha...Be opened...

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