The Word gives life

19 Sunday of Ordinary Time, year B

As we continue the Bread of Life discourse, Jesus describes today how He is the Bread of Life in His word (Jn 6:41–51). In the Sacred Scripture Christ nourishes us, giving us encouragement, direction, and hope. Do we read Scripture expecting Christ to speak personally to us?

Rembrandt (Rembrandt van Rijn) | Christ Preaching, called La ...

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A sign of better things (18 Sunday OT, B)

18 Sunday, Ordinary Time, year B

Signs, like an Olympic medal, can be wonderful things. However, signs usually point to something more important. In the case of the medal, the sign points to the excellence of the athlete and the sacrifices they made. In the Gospel (Jn 6:24-35), Jesus reminds us to focus not only on the sign He has worked (the multiplication of the loaves), but to keep in view what the sign points to: Jesus is the bread of life. 

The Multiplication of the Loaves and Fishes

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God abundantly feeds the hungry (17 OT, year B)

17 Sunday in Ordinary Time, year B | 2 Kings 4:42-44 | John 6:1-15

On this Sunday we remember in a special way grandparents and elders in our community. Grandparents image the generosity of God. They often want to feed those they love! In the readings today, we see that God gives food in abundance. God satisfies more than just physical hunger. Like the boy in the Gospel who contributed five loaves and two fish, God wants us to contribute in this mission of satisfying those who hunger physically and spiritually. 

Feeding the multitude - Wikipedia

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