Multiplying love

4 Sunday Lent, year B

Nicodemus undergoes an incredible transformation in John's Gospel. Nicodemus moves from someone who is afraid to be seen with Jesus, to having the courage to be one of the few to bury Jesus. The message of today's Gospel, Jn 3:14-21, is what transforms Nicodemus. He learns of the generous love of God and how when we give love, God multiples it.

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How you can overcome procrastination

2 Sunday Lent, year B

We often procrastinate when we come up against a task that we know will be difficult: filing our taxes, forgiving someone, having a difficult conversation, or getting healthier. The story of Jesus cleansing the Temple (Jn 2) gives us some helpful pointers for how we can overcome procrastination and live a fuller life.

Cleansing of the Temple - Wikipedia

Listen to homily here:


The power of generosity

 2 Sunday Lent, year B

The story of Abraham in the first reading (Gen 22) as well as the Gospel (Mk 9:2-10), show us how God can take our generosity and sacrifices and transform them into something remarkable.

Feast of the Transfiguration - Wikipedia

Listen to homily here: