The waiting game

32 Sunday of Ordinary time

Waiting is a difficult thing to do, it can create tension, anxiety and anticipation. Christians are people who live in a constant state of waiting until the return of Christ. In today's Gospel (Matthew 25:1-13), Jesus teaches us how to wait well, by waiting with hope and by keeping our lamps full of the oil of charity and service.

Listen to homily here:

Being a servant leader

31 Sunday OT, year A

At times, those in leadership - whether inside or outside the Church - can use their authority for their own gain. In the Gospel (Matthew 23:1-12), Jesus shows us that true leadership involves service and practicing what we preach.

Listen to homily here:

Love and do what you will

30 Sunday Ordinary Time, year A

When asked, "what is the greatest commandment?" it is significant that Jesus answers with more than one commandment (Mt 22:34-40). We need to love God... but... we can't really love God unless we love our neighbour... but... we can't really love our neighbour unless we love ourselves. To love God, then, we need to love others (especially the difficult ones) in a way that shows we actually like them.

Listen to homily here: