Why did the crowd reject Christ? (Palm Sunday, yearA)

The two Gospel we hear on Palm or Passion Sunday show diverse reactions to Jesus. While there are some who stand by Jesus through His Passion, many abandon Him. Why? The answer can be found in the palms they waved. Jesus was an unexpected Messiah.

Listen to homily here:

Three Tombs (5 Sunday Lent, C)

The story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead (Jn 11:1-45), speaks to us of three tombs, the tombs of Lazarus, Jesus, and our own. This story shows up the compassion Jesus has for those who mourn and the life Jesus gives us, now and for eternity.

Listen to homily here:

Is our faith blind?

Homily for 4 Sunday Lent, year A

The Gospel this Sunday (Jn 9:1-41) tells the story of Jesus giving sight to the blind man. It is rich in symbolism. The Gospel teaches us how Jesus is the light of the world. Just as the pillar of fire led the people of Israel through the wilderness, so Jesus is the light that guides us. Further, the Gospel challenges us to consider how we respond to Jesus, the light of the world. Do we reject Jesus as his opponents did? Are we hesitant in our faith like the parents of the blind man? Or, do we allow Jesus to deepen our faith as the blind man did?

Listen to homily here: