33 Sunday Ordinary Time year B
Apocalyptic literature in the Bible, like we read about during today's Mass, is meant to inspire hope in a community that is suffering.
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33 Sunday Ordinary Time year B
Apocalyptic literature in the Bible, like we read about during today's Mass, is meant to inspire hope in a community that is suffering.
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32 Sunday of Ordinary Time, year B
In the Gospel today (Mark 12:38-44), Jesus challenges us to consider who is truly great. It is not the rich, powerful or wealthy who are great. Rather, those who are generous and self-sacrificial are the ones who are truly great in God's eyes.
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Jesus shows us that leaders must serve (Mark 10:35-45). This has major implications for the way that the Church exists. The Synodal process, recently inaugurated by Pope Francis, is meant to shape the Church so that it is marked by service and collaboration between all the baptized.