A Messiah who is compassion itself

Jesus is an unexpected kind of Messiah. The Gospels of Palm Sunday remind us of this. He does not take away our suffering, but He suffers with us, He is compassion itself. This encourages us to be compassionate to others, to be "the eyes through which Christ's compassion is to look out to the earth" (St. Teresa of Avila).
Link to video reflection:

Is God still with us?

During the Exile, the prophet Ezekiel gave hope to people who felt that they were separated from God's presence. Ezekiel reminded them that God still dwelt among his people just as he had dwelt in the Temple. God's covenant is everlasting. Ezekiel's message can give us hope during this time that may in some ways feel like an exile.

For the video message click the link below:


How the pandemic provokes

In today's Gospel, Jesus asks people a provocative question in order to help them see things differently and to grow (John 10:32). In this pandemic, God may be doing something similar with us.