Peter (sort of) gets it right

24 Sunday of OT, year B | Mk 8:27–35

Our understanding of who Jesus is will impact how we think a follower of Jesus will act. In the Gospel today (Mk 8:27-35), although Peter correctly identifies that Jesus is the Messiah, Peter cannot grasp that the Messiah will be a suffering servant. Since Jesus is a Saviour who came to serve others, we are called to do the same.

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Caesarea Phillipi

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New beginnings (23 Sunday OT, B)

23 Sunday Ordinary Time, year B

The start of each school year is a time of hope and possibility. New beginnings are a time to choose new behaviours and attitudes. The second reading today from Saint James challenges us to behave with special care and attention for the needy (James 2:1–5). The healing in the Gospel (Mk 7:31–37), which we relive in the Ephphatha ritual in our baptism, reminds us that Jesus give us the grace to see the needy in our midst and respond to them in a positive way.

John 10:10: Reflection: Ephphatha...Be opened...

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Cause and cure of brokenness

22 Sunday OT, year B; Mark 7

In the Gospel today (Mark 7), Jesus is asked about what causes division, separation, and broken relationships. Jesus explains that it is not certain external observances which create problems. Rather, it is the human heart that has the power both to divide and to unite.

File:Jesus teaching his disciples.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

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