Jesus restores life

13 Sunday Ordinary Time, year B

How can a loving God allow suffering and death? This perennial question is tackled in today's readings. The book of Wisdom shows us that suffering and death was not part of God's original plan for humanity (Wisdom 1). Jesus came to restore life and overcome suffering (Mk 5). We are called to continue this healing and life-giving mission of Christ.

Talitha (given name) - Wikipedia

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Godzilla and Storm Sunday

12 Sunday of Ordinary Time

In the Old Testament, the sea epitomized the dangerous forces aligned against humanity. In the Gospel today (Mk 4:35-41), Jesus calms the storm which threatens His disciples on the Sea. In this way, the power of Christ to overcome all forces of evil is manifested. As we face our own storms, we take courage in the power of Jesus.

The Storm on the Sea of Galilee - Wikipedia

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God works in hidden ways

11 Sunday Ordinary Time, year B

At times we can get discouraged because our prayers, acts of charity, or efforts to build God's kingdom seem small and insignificant. The Gospel today (Mark 4:26-34) encourages us to persevere. The work of God in the world is often humble and goes undetected. God, however, is always at work, taking what we offer Him and causing it to grow into something wonderful.

File:The Sower - My Dream.jpg - Wikimedia Commons

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Jesus has conquered Satan

10 Sunday of Ordinary Time, year B | Mark 3:20-35

In the Scripture, we read about an entity, Satan, who works against the goodness of God. Whereas God is a communion of love, Satan brings division, separating people from God and one another. In the Gospel (Mark 3:20-35) Jesus declares he has defeated Satan. Christ has created one family of God. We have been given the grace to bring unity. Only we prevent this by happening, by rejecting the power of Christ, something Mark calls the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Christ Pantocrator mosaic, private chapel - Aidan Hart Sacred Icons

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The Source and Summit

Corpus Christi, year B

On Corpus Christi, the readings today are rather gory! There is a lot of talk of blood and sacrifice. The particular readings for this current year invite us to consider the topic of covenant as it relates to the Eucharist. The first reading describes the important covenant God made with Moses and the people, in which blood was a central aspect (Exod 24:3-8). The second reading reminds us that the sacrifice of Christ for us creates a final covenant (Heb 9:11-15). The Gospel teaches us that the Eucharist is a renewal of this covenant (Mk 14:12-26). The Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith and life.

Last Supper (Tintoretto) - Wikipedia

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