What difference the Trinity makes

Trinity Sunday, Year B

Thinking about the Trinity can be complicated! When we get right down to it, however, our belief in the Trinity is central to who we are as baptized people. We are made for relationship and communion.

5 References to the Trinity in the Old Testament

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We need each other – Pentecost 2024

Pentecost 2024 

James Joyce once said that Catholic means "here comes everybody". On Pentecost we read about the birth of the Church, a united family which has great diversity of languages and backgrounds. We remember on Pentecost that the Church is a diverse body unity by the Holy Spirit. Everyone in the Church matters and we all need one another.

File:Pentecost, by Salomon de Bray (1597-1664).jpg - Wikimedia Commons

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Ascension Separation Anxiety

Ascension, year B

At first glance, the Ascension seems like something we shouldn't really celebrate. Jesus leaves us behind and, to make matters worse, gives us an impossible mission before He goes. The Holy Spirit is the anecdote for the separation anxiety caused by the Ascension. The Comforter restores us and gives us the strength (Mark 16:15-20) for our mission of healing the separations (with God, neighbour, and creation) that resulted from the Fall.

Ascension (fête) — Wikipédia

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What is love?

6 Sunday of Easter, year B

The readings today encourage us to consider the reality of love. We learn that true love has its origin in God and always seeks the good of the other (John 15:9-17). As followers of Jesus, we are not meant to be motivated by fear. Rather, we are called to fall in love.

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