Decluttering and focusing on what brings joy (28 Sunday, B)

28 Sunday Ordinary Time, year B | Mark 10:1-30

In his interaction with the rich young man (Mark 10:17–30), Jesus gives guidance for how we can focus better on what bring our greatest joy – our relationship with Christ – by decluttering or putting in proper perspective things like possessions and even family. Thanksgiving is a great opportunity to focus on what brings us joy.

Jesus and the rich young man - Wikipedia

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Marriage ministry of care and encouragement

27 Sunday OT, B

In discussing marriage, Jesus shows his care for married people who are vulnerable as well as emphasis on the goodness of marriage. As a Church, we are called to continue this ministry of care and encouragement. We care for those for whom marriage has been a source of pain, creating space for healing and welcome. We encourage those who are married, promoting the value and beauty of the sacrament of marriage.

Marriage in the Catholic Church - Wikipedia

Listen to homily here: 

Jesus talks tough (26 Sunday, OT, B)

26 Sunday of Ordinary Time, year B

Like parents warning their children from danger and harm, Jesus uses strong language to have us move away from the damaging impacts of sin (Mark 9:38-43; 45, 47-48). We all have behaviours that harm ourselves and those around us. The Gospel, as well as the writings of saints like St. Ignatius, give us helpful guidance for how to overcome temptation and live a fuller life.

Jesus in the synagogue of Capernaum - Wikipedia

Listen to homily here: