Loving enemies (7 Sunday OT, C)

 7 Sunday Ordinary Time, C

Among the most radical of Christ's commands is that we love our enemies (Luke 6:27–38). When we witness someone living this way, it is inspiring. However, trying to love our enemies can often feel impossible. Jesus gives us some helpful guidance for how we can live out this command by not judging those who harm us. On the cross, Christ put this into practice when He prayed, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing".

File:Brooklyn Museum - What Our Lord Saw from the Cross (Ce que voyait Notre-Seigneur sur la Croix) - James Tissot.jpg

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Seeing things differently

 6 Sunday OT, year C

At Jesus' time, as at our own, a particular way of seeing the world and set of values prevails. In the beatitudes (Luke 6:18, 20–26), Jesus flips this worldview upside down. Rather than the rich, powerful, and oppressive, in God's eyes it is the poor, marginalized, and needy who matter most. By taking time to be in silence and allowing the words of Christ to touch our hearts we can begin to see the world the way God does.

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time: The Sermon on the Plain| National Catholic  Register

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From experience to Mission (5 Sunday OT)

5 Sunday OT, year C (Luke 5)

In our baptism, we all receive a mission to become, in the words of Pope Francis, "missionary disciples". The readings today show us that the drive for mission is born out of an experience of God's grace. This jubilee year is an opportunity to experience anew the grace of God and become re-energized for mission.

File:15 Lorenzo Veneziano, Calling of the Apostles Peter and Andrew. 1370 Staatliche Museen, Berlin..jpg

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